I found people forget the all the built-in environmental variables, so thought of putting all built-in variables here in this post.
ActionIteration - Indicates which action iteration is currently running.
ActionName - Indicates which action is currently running
ControllerHostName - the name of the computer which serves as a controller
GroupName - The scenario identification number
LocalHostName - Local Host Name
OS - Operation System
OSVersion - Operating system version
ProductDir - folder path where the product is installed
ProductName - Product Name
ProductVer - Product Version
ResultDir - Folder path where the results are saved
Scenarioid - The scenario identification number
SystemTempDir - System Temporary Directory
TestDir - Path of the Test
TestIteration - Indicates which test iteration is currently running
TestName - The name of the test
UpdatingActiveScreen -
UpdatingCheckpoints -
UpdatingTODescriptions -
UserName - Windows Login User Name
VUserId -